QHS Class Registration
*Parent/guardian: If your student is new to the district (has never attended QSD schools or has attended before but left the district), you will need to enroll your student first before registering for classes, click here for more information.
A Message to Students and Parents from The Counseling Department
The process of selecting courses for the 2024-2025 school year is an extremely important step in developing your plan for the future. Parents and students should give careful consideration to courses offered and their relationship to future plans, personal interest, and academic abilities. Remember--effort determines achievement. The amount of success achieved as a student is directly related to the amount of effort put into learning. At QHS, we believe ALL students are capable of succeeding in rigorous classes. We encourage each of you to develop and maintain an attitude of excellence as you develop a challenging schedule of classes each year of high school.
This course catalog is designed to help you choose courses which will best prepare you for your future. Envision the technological changes, the information explosion and the new and creative modes of conducting business, learning, and living. Make certain you will have the skills and the knowledge base to meet the demands of your future by selecting courses that will build a strong foundation for further study and work. Your personal effort will determine your success and each and every one of you is capable of success in the most rigorous of classes! Challenge yourself to educational excellence!
Students and/or parents who wish to consult counselors for additional information regarding course selection or registration may contact the Counseling Center at (509) 787-3501, extension 3774 or 3778.
Students who prepare themselves well in high school, will have more options and choices in life. Education is the most direct route to a sound future. Challenge yourself with courses that require your personal best efforts and serious personal application.
It’s up to you!
A note from the QHS Counselors and Administration:
The courses requested during registration by every student will be processed by the computer and classes will be placed in the master schedule in a manner that will produce the fewest number of conflicts for the greatest number of students.
Registration Dates/Important Dates
- Feb. 13-15: QHS classroom presentations
- Feb. 20: QMS classroom presentations
- Feb. 20- March 1: QHS registration opens
- Feb. 26- March 1: QMS registration opens
8th Grade Presentation
Freshmen (9th Grade) Presentation
Sophomore (10th Grade) Presentation
Junior (11th Grade) Presentation
Course Catalogs:
Registration Forms:
9th Grade (current 8th grade student)
10th Grade (current 9th grade student)
11th Grade (current 10th grade student)
12th Grade (current 11th grade student)