QHS Counseling
The QHS Counseling Team is here for you!
Stop by the QHS Counseling and Career Center, make an appointment, email, or call to contact your counselor.
Kayla Gerst (Student last names A-Ga): kgerst@qsd.wednet.edu
Sydni Gormsen (Student last names Gb-P): sgormsen@qsd.wednet.edu
Chris Trevino (Student last names Q-Z): ctrevino@qsd.wednet.edu
QHS: (509) 787-3501
***For academic concerns/information, contact your alpha counselor. You are welcome to contact any counselor to address social/emotional issues.
Examples of reasons students come to the counseling center:
Need someone to talk to
Emotional support
Feeling stressed or anxious
Questions about credits and graduation progress
Get help with college and career prep
Not sure what to do after high school
To refer a friend you think might need support
- Classroom Guidance Lessons
- Individual and Small Group Counseling
- Crisis Intervention
- Mental Health Counseling Referrals
- College and Career Prep
- High School and Beyond Plan Assistance
- Student Placement/Scheduling
- Coordinate/Monitor 504 Plans and Other Interventions
- Track Graduation Status